Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Splake Hunters 2008

Left to right: Spear, Lunch Box, Black Bean, Brent Giant, Tight Line, Doctor O, Dunk-A-Lew, Wrong Way, Fast Eddie and Stinger. Thank you all for another memorable Splake hunt and hope to see you again next year.

Monday, May 26, 2008

The Winner by a nose!

Lunch Box's trophy fish.

Call 911

Black Bean hits a tree while skipping back from the "Thunder Box". Since nobody with us knows First Aid, all we could do is wait for him to regain consciousness.

Spear prepares the Splake

Yes, Spear is getting much better with the fillet knife. There was plenty of meat to go around.

Another yard Sale for the Brent Giant

It is true, I almost made it to the island this year with dry shoes, almost.

Teachin' him the ropes

Wrong Way and Stinger pilot in for a safe and dry landing. (They didn't have any help from Tight Line!)

Wrong Way had enough!

When Dunk-A-Lew mumbled something about the fried spam tasting like salty shoe leather, Wrong Way took him out behind the wood shed.

Dreamin' by the fire

Hmmm... what is the family doing right now. Bet you they are warm, insect free and they don't have trees dripping cold rain water down their backs...

Camp Pest

It's one thing to cruelly bind the beast to the kitchen tarp, it's quite another to poison it with Fast Eddies "Chicken Dogs"!

Stinger gets into it.

Stinger shows us all what youth and determination can achieve.

Black Bean does it again!

His delicious Black Bean soup is to die for, but that wasn't enough for him this year... he surprised us all with these tasty ribs as well! Awesome job Mr. Bean!

@#% Lunch Box!

Tight Line doesn't get angry he gets even... eventually.

Can we go home yet?

After many hours working the Honey Hole, Fast Eddie has something to show for it. Stinger fell asleep in the canoe on the way back to camp.

Relaxing by the falls

It wasn't until ten minutes into our conversation did I realize that Black Bean was sound asleep.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Lunch Box takes the trophy this year for a 13" Splake caught 10 minutes after and 20 feet away from Tight Line our third place winner. 

Second Place

Fast Eddie receives a prize from the judge our illustrious Black Bean for a 12.5" Splake.

Third Place

No this isn't just two guys very happy about holding hands in the dark, Tight Line gets third place with a 12.25" Splake. Congratulations!

Fourth Place

Stinger receives an award for catching the most fish... say cheese!

Warming up by the fire

There was plenty of dry wood on the island this year so the fire was well fed. We could only hope the wolves we heard on the first night were also well fed.

Fried Spam again!

Doctor O dines on a Wrong Way specialty.

Stinger's first trip

Just when you think he couldn't look any more fatigued... along comes the next day.

Something is going on here

Tight Line and Dunk-A-Lew make plans to pitch Wrong Way's table in the drink before the first portage on the way out.

Camp chatter

Tight Line and Wrong Way engage in another one of their deep conversations.

It rained hard on Saturday...

Reflective body suit that keeps out the rain - $45.00
Rubber sack to keep your food dry - $15.00
A picture with your hat full of water - priceless!

Tight Line - a master at total concentration

Dedicated to winning the trophy, Tight Line's determination left him fishing long after we all realized the Honey Hole had shut down for the day - he was in the zone.

Stinger's plan

Stinger likes to chat with the minnows to find out where the really big Splake are hiding - much like Shark Bait the "fish whisperer" did last year.

Not again!

Black Bean battles the elements and apparently the gulls at the rapids. Perhaps if he shared his brick of cheese with them he wouldn't have been their favourite target.

A picture is worth a thousand words

Tight Line was not pleased to be out fished by Lunch Box, but there is always next year.

Witches brew

Not sure what Doctor O was drinking, but it wasn't hot.

Did you catch the web cast?

Yes our every move around the camp was being monitored thanks to Stinger's technology. Not sure if the thunder storms interfered with the transmission during Wrong Way's "Scarf Dance" around the fire on Saturday night, but count yourselves lucky if you missed it - some things you just can't unsee.

Doctor O surveys the bounty

Never far from the camp kitchen during prep time, Doctor O was always available to sample every part of the feast to ensure it was fit for general consumption.

Father and son team

Stinger and Fast Eddie work the honey hole by the falls. Despite our best efforts, Stinger managed to frighten more of us with his practical jokes than we could scare him.

Fishin' buddies

Spear and Lunch Box take a moment to reflect on the day. Spear is never without an interesting story, but by the look on Lunch Box's face, he's heard this one before.

Almost awake

Despite Black Bean's nasal orchestra all night, which was only interrupted by brief intermissions of frantic multiple zipper openings followed by him stumbling off into the forest in pitch darkness breaking every branch in his panicked desire for relief, I slept well.

Breakfast with the trophy

Mmmm... breakfast fixin's! Breakfast was delicious, it is amazing how good food tastes when in the bush. The Splake Hunter trophy was on display as motivation to hit the water.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Space food

The Brent Giant prepares his meal ... originally created by the Brent Giantess. Aluminum foil automatically makes it "Space Food". He's even sitting in a Space Chair!


Black bean naps as breakfast is being prepared. Mosquitos are indeed bigger in the Park, perhaps I should have told him...nah!

The cooks at work.

It wasn't long before there was trouble in the camp kitchen.

Wrong Way positioned himself well.

He pitched his tent within stumbling distance of the Thunder Box for those late night excursions. 

We made it.

The weather was fine for our trip in this year. Initially the Black Flies were not too bad...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Black Fly, Black Fly...don't bother me Black Fly!

Fast Eddie has been getting mentally prepared for what he feels will be a torturous battle with tiny vampires.

Wrong Way to eat

Apparently Wrong Way plans to dine on "Moose Sausages"... the question now is, what will they be taking outta him next?

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Be warned...

Black Bean has been practicing by pulling Marlin's outta the water tail first! Will he use a rod and reel this year or just his bare hands? Only tim(e) will tell.

Here we go again...

The emails have been burning up the inboxes all over town...the Splake Hunters are going on the prowl once again. Tight Line has informed us that the eye in the sky has observed ice off conditions for the lakes we intend to voyage upon so we are clear to launch next weekend.

Fast Eddie and Wrong Way are minus a couple body parts, but are in the mix for this year again. New to the crew is Stinger, the son of Fast Eddie, who will be taking the midnight to six AM bear watch each night. Doctor O is going solo - trying not to carry Wrong Way's gear. Dunk-a-Lew is bringing Spear and Lunch Box. Sadly, the good scientist, Shark Bait, will not be able to tear himself from the Aussie shoreline in time to "show us how it's done."

Hooks have been sharpen.